The Woman with Many Hands
In 2015, I met a woman named Maria at a conference. She was caring for an infant that wasn’t her biological child in the parents room and we got chatting.
In 2015, I met a woman named Maria at a conference. She was caring for an infant that wasn’t her biological child in the parents room and we got chatting. She told me she was a case worker and chaplain with her hands more than full, yet something in her leapt at the option of helping other new mums.
Not only was Maria a biological mother of three, adopted mum of one and a foster parent to more than 86 children, she has spent years in the community sector supporting people through crisises of all kinds. And yet, with her hands full Maria began volunteering at Diamond.
Maria came on as a volunteer mentor/support person and worked one day a week calling, meeting, caring and showing compassionate support to new clients. Today, Maria has come on staff as our caseworker and team supervision counsellor. Ever since Maria's first day at Diamond she has shown the team what humility and heart can produce.
Maria has been honoured in this year’s Local Celebration Awards by Penrith City Council for her extensive work volunteering for the benefit of the community. You can watch her video here. Congratulations, Maria. It's a privilege to have you in our Village!